Gage Academy of Art

Covid Policy

  • All participants in Gage art programs are recommended to be fully vaccinated & boosted.
  • Masks are at the individual's discretion.
  • If you are symptomatic, believe you had an exposure, or have a positive test and were at Gage for class, we ask you to notify us at and to follow the CDC's Isolation Guidelines
  • If you have any signs of illness, we ask that you refrain from coming to Gage until you are symptom free for at least 24 hours. This includes symptoms of flu and the common cold, like fever, sniffles, runny nose, sore throat, as well as symptoms of COVID infection.
  • Should you get an alert on your mobile device, please get tested. Even if you don't immediately test positive, we would still recommend staying home and continuing to test. Gage will follow the guidelines outlined here. 